Hello, my name is Frances and I’m a 9-year-old Terrier Mix.
My mom realized one day that I needed my vaccines updated and that I had fleas. So, my mom reached out to her Social Worker at the VA and was told about an organization called Feeding Pets of the Homeless that helps veterans with their pets when they are in need. My mom got the number and called, and once the intake was completed and verification was accepted, we were able to make an appointment.
My visit to the vet’s office was routine, and during my exam, I discovered that I was infested with fleas. So, the doctor thought it would also be a good idea to be tested for heartworms since it is prevalent in the area where I love to play.
Thankfully, my heartworm test was negative. So, my vaccines were updated, and I was given some medication to prevent fleas and heartworms.
Thank you to Feeding Pets of the Homeless for contributing $255 towards my care.
My mom would like to say thank you to Feeding Pets of the Homeless. Without organizations like yours helping veterans in need, she wouldn’t know what to do. Thank you.
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