The relationship between someone and their pet is a deep and powerful bond that lasts a lifetime. Pets increase their owners’ quality of life, and can especially benefit those who are homeless or live on a low income. Pets show unconditional love, consistent support, lack of judgment, and so much more. With all the love and comfort they provide to those who are homeless or live on a low income, it’s important to make sure you keep them healthy by following these tips below!
Provide Nutritious Pet Food
For those who experience homelessness or who are living on a low income, the idea of consistently feeding your cat or dog nutritious food every day might seem impossible. After all, there might be some days that you are unable to eat a nutritious meal. However, finding a nourishing meal for your pet might be easier than you think!
There are many local food banks that provide homeless and low income people with food for both themselves and their beloved pets. Most of the time, the pet food they provide contains the required nutrients your furry friend needs in their diet. There are many benefits of proper nutrition for pets. For instance, when your furry friend eats nutritious food, it helps keep their muscles toned, builds bone strength, keeps their fur and skin healthy, and their immune system in good shape.
Utilize Wellness Clinics
Another cost effective way to keep your furry friend healthy is to utilize free wellness clinics. If you are experiencing homelessness, then you could take advantage of this resource. Most animal wellness clinics are held at locations that already serve the homeless community. They offer vaccinations, exams, treatments, medication, among other things for your pet. Furthermore, if you notice that your pet seems sick or hurt, then you can go and get them the proper care they need. At the very least, you can bring your furry friend to a free wellness clinic, so your pet can get a checkup.
In addition, if you are living off a low income and have a pet that needs constant medical attention, then you might want to look into pet insurance. For a small fee every month, pet insurance will help cover expected and unexpected medical costs. If you are worried that you can’t afford the vet because of high medical costs, then looking into pet insurance or low-cost wellness clinics are great alternatives.
One last alternative that you could benefit from if you are homeless or on a very tight income would be to utilize Feeding Pets of the Homeless’ Free Emergency Veterinary Care Program. If your beloved pet needs emergency care, you can call us at (775) 841-7463 to apply for assistance. We know how important your pet is to you, so we want to do everything we can to get your furry friend the care they need.
Seasonal Considerations
In addition to providing nutritious food and going to pet wellness clinics, keep your pet healthy all year round by considering different dangerous seasonal factors. The two most dangerous seasons for pets are summer and winter, especially for pets that are homeless.
During the summer months, most places across the United States experience hot and dry weather. These are extremely dangerous to pets. Luckily, there are many ways to keep your pet cool during summer by providing them with ample water, keeping your furry friend in shade, not walking them during the mid-day, and knowing heat stroke signs, among other things.
On the other hand, during the winter months, pets are equally as susceptible to different dangerous conditions like cold weather and snow. When it’s cold outside, you can wrap your pet in a coat or blanket to help keep them warm. Likewise, you want to make sure that their paws are covered by pet boots or cloth if at all possible.
Overall, your best bet would be to try to find an indoor shelter that is pet-friendly. However, the waiting lists are generally longer during the winter months. If you are unable to find an overnight shelter that is pet friendly, then find a store or pet-friendly building that you and your pet can stay in during the day to keep warm. During the night, if you have a crate for your four-legged friend, then you should do your best to insulate it with blankets and cloth to keep the cold air out as best as possible.
Proper Exercise
Similar to how humans need proper exercise to remain healthy, pets also need adequate exercise. Best of all, helping your furry friend get the right amount of exercise they need is free! When your pet gets the proper exercise it helps keep their joints active, combats obesity, stimulates their brain by allowing them to take in new smells, decreases anxiety, and allows them to socialize with other people and animals.
In general, the amount of exercise your pet requires depends on your pet’s individual needs. Cats tend to need a lot less exercise than dogs. Conversely, how much exercise dogs need is a different story. Larger dogs and puppies will need more exercise than smaller dogs and older dogs. Overall, your dog should be getting at least 30 minutes to an hour of exercise each day.
Social Engagement
Just like how you need to interact with people on occasion to feel less lonely, your pet also needs to socialize with other members of their species and humans. Social interaction is necessary because it helps provide your furry friend happiness while making them less aggressive towards others. For example, the more your dog interacts and plays with other dogs, then the less fear and anxiety they’ll have toward other unfamiliar animals. In the same way, when your pet meets new people and has positive encounters with them, they will tend to be less hostile towards strangers when interacting with them. Overall, socialization is important for your furry friend’s happiness and behavior.
Taking care of your pet is challenging, especially if you are homeless or are living off of a low income. Following the tips above will allow you to show your furry friend how much you care for them, considering how much they do to make our lives better. Remember, there are always organizations like Feeding Pets of the Homeless that are dedicated to helping you and your pet!
Feeding Pets of the Homeless provides free veterinary care to pets belonging to people experiencing homelessness.