Helping our Nation’s Homeless Care for Their Pets

Helping our Nation’s Homeless Care for Their Pets 02/16/2023  (NewsUSA) – People can become homeless at any time and for any reason, including people with pets. These individuals often face additional challenges of food and health care for their pets, and


This is What ‘Doing Something’ Looks Like

This Is What ‘Doing Something’ Looks Like by The California Business Journal Newswire Robert Smith is disabled and lives on the streets of San Francisco with his three-year-old mixed breed dog Colby. They’re together nearly every minute of every day and

Pit bull at a mobile clinic in Detroit. IMAGE: Street Dog Coalition

Vet care needed for pets of homeless owners

Photo: Pit bull at a mobile clinic in Detroit. IMAGE: Street Dog Coalition By Vladislava Sukhanovskaya Requests for help for pets of homeless people are rising compared to the previous year and nonprofits are there to help. The Humane Society


Don’t Just Walk On By

Another September afternoon was winding down. Rain was falling, and we were feeling anxious to return home to care for the remainder of our pack fifty miles away. The day had been dedicated to running errands on the flats, far


Global Heroes – Keeping People and Pets Together

“There is a special bond between people and their pets—one that is unconditional and non-judgemental. For millions across the globe, a regular morning includes spending time with their fluffy companions, and the thought of losing them is devastating. It’s no


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Every month we will email you our latest news. Recent cases, new pet food donors and other worthy news.See past issues

Helping our Nation’s Homeless Care for Their Pets

Helping our Nation’s Homeless Care for Their Pets 02/16/2023  (NewsUSA) – People can become homeless at any time and for any reason, including people with pets. These individuals often face additional challenges of food and health care for their pets, and


This is What ‘Doing Something’ Looks Like

This Is What ‘Doing Something’ Looks Like by The California Business Journal Newswire Robert Smith is disabled and lives on the streets of San Francisco with his three-year-old mixed breed dog Colby. They’re together nearly every minute of every day and

Pit bull at a mobile clinic in Detroit. IMAGE: Street Dog Coalition

Vet care needed for pets of homeless owners

Photo: Pit bull at a mobile clinic in Detroit. IMAGE: Street Dog Coalition By Vladislava Sukhanovskaya Requests for help for pets of homeless people are rising compared to the previous year and nonprofits are there to help. The Humane Society


Don’t Just Walk On By

Another September afternoon was winding down. Rain was falling, and we were feeling anxious to return home to care for the remainder of our pack fifty miles away. The day had been dedicated to running errands on the flats, far


Global Heroes – Keeping People and Pets Together

“There is a special bond between people and their pets—one that is unconditional and non-judgemental. For millions across the globe, a regular morning includes spending time with their fluffy companions, and the thought of losing them is devastating. It’s no


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Every month we will email you our latest news. Recent cases, new pet food donors and other worthy news.

See past issues