News & Blog

Success Story: Penny
Hi there, I’m Penny! 🐾 I’m a three-month-old Chi-Yorkie living with my dad on the streets of San Francisco, CA. Life’s been tough, but we stick together through it all. We’ve been getting by with food stamps (which don’t cover

Success Story: Lucy
Hello friends! My name is Lucy, and I’m an 8-year-old Great Dane. My human and I have been living in an abandoned shed, trying to make the best of our situation. Recently, I’ve had some health problems. I was having

Feeding Pets of the Homeless Provides Essential Emergency Veterinary Care for Over 2,500 Pets in the Past Year
Carson City, NV -July 29, 2024– Feeding Pets of the Homeless, a leading national nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of pets belonging to people experiencing homelessness, has announced significant achievements in its Emergency Veterinary Care program over the

Success Story: Poncho
Hello, my name’s Poncho, and I’m an 8-year-old Chihuahua Mix. My dad and I have been experiencing homelessness in Fullerton, CA, for a little over 5 years now. My dad noticed how horrible my breath had become. I even started

Stroll Magazine Pinnacles July 2024
Click to read: Jul_2024_Stroll_Pinnacle_Pets of the Homeless

Feeding Pets of the Homeless® July 2024 Newsletter Issue 192
Discover how your support is making a difference in the lives of pets and their owners experiencing homelessness. Read a heartfelt message from our founder, Genevieve Frederick, learn about Papa’s inspiring recovery, explore new volunteer opportunities, and join us on

Podcast: The SAFeTy Chronicles
The newest podcast episode addresses the difficult issue of domestic violence survivors who experience homelessness because they cannot find pet-friendly housing. This is a huge issue. Genevieve Frederick, founder of Feeding Pets of the Homeless and long-time collaborative

Success Story: Pele
Hello, my name’s Pele, and I’m a 7-year-old Pit Bull. My human and I have been experiencing homelessness in and around the Santa Ana area, living in our car and sometimes in a tent for over a year. Despite the

Success Story: Blue
Hello, my name is Blue. For the past 18 months, my mom and I have been living in our car. Despite our challenges, my human has a job, and we receive food stamps to help us get by. Unfortunately, food

Success Story: Papa
Hello, my name is Papa, and I am a 6-month-old mutt. My human and I have been experiencing homelessness in the San Jose, CA area. Life has been tough, but we’ve managed to stick together and find comfort in each
News & Blog

Success Story: Penny
Hi there, I’m Penny! 🐾 I’m a three-month-old Chi-Yorkie living with my dad on the streets of San Francisco, CA. Life’s been tough, but we stick together through it all.

Success Story: Lucy
Hello friends! My name is Lucy, and I’m an 8-year-old Great Dane. My human and I have been living in an abandoned shed, trying to make the best of our

Feeding Pets of the Homeless Provides Essential Emergency Veterinary Care for Over 2,500 Pets in the Past Year
Carson City, NV -July 29, 2024– Feeding Pets of the Homeless, a leading national nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of pets belonging to people experiencing homelessness, has announced

Success Story: Poncho
Hello, my name’s Poncho, and I’m an 8-year-old Chihuahua Mix. My dad and I have been experiencing homelessness in Fullerton, CA, for a little over 5 years now. My dad

Stroll Magazine Pinnacles July 2024
Click to read: Jul_2024_Stroll_Pinnacle_Pets of the Homeless

Feeding Pets of the Homeless® July 2024 Newsletter Issue 192
Discover how your support is making a difference in the lives of pets and their owners experiencing homelessness. Read a heartfelt message from our founder, Genevieve Frederick, learn about Papa’s

Podcast: The SAFeTy Chronicles
The newest podcast episode addresses the difficult issue of domestic violence survivors who experience homelessness because they cannot find pet-friendly housing. This is a huge issue. Genevieve Frederick,

Success Story: Pele
Hello, my name’s Pele, and I’m a 7-year-old Pit Bull. My human and I have been experiencing homelessness in and around the Santa Ana area, living in our car and

Success Story: Blue
Hello, my name is Blue. For the past 18 months, my mom and I have been living in our car. Despite our challenges, my human has a job, and we

Success Story: Papa
Hello, my name is Papa, and I am a 6-month-old mutt. My human and I have been experiencing homelessness in the San Jose, CA area. Life has been tough, but
News & Blog

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