What We Do

I am his only friend.
And he is mine. When there was no one else there for me, he was. And now when there is no one else there for him, I am.

Feeding Pets of the Homeless is the first and one of a few national animal organization focused on feeding and providing emergency care to pets of homeless people.
A pet's love is unconditional and non-judgmental.
The bond between pets and people isn’t dependent on having a roof. Feeding Pets of the Homeless provides
relief to people experiencing homelessness and their pets in the form of food, resources, emergency care and support.

Five to ten percent of homeless people have dogs and/or cats. In some areas of the country the rate is as high as 25%

The majority of homeless shelters don't allow pets, leaving people to choose between shelter or giving up their best friend

Animals can provide the homeless with security from other homeless or from those that discriminate against the homeless with beatings or from others who may steal their modest possessions

I keep her safe and warm at night
When the only friend you have is sick and you have no resources to help them, it can be extremely frightening. A woman living in a shelter in San Diego found herself in this situation when Ramen was not eating and showing some distress. Feeding Pets of the Homeless stepped in to keep these friends together.

They wouldn't leave me behind
Feeding Pets of the Homeless received a call from a homeless man and woman who live in their camper on the streets of Carson City, NV with their dog, Stormy, a 12-year-old female Pit Bull Terrier. Stormy was in bad shape, but they were not going to give up on their family pet.

I'm the only one who doesn't judge.
Greta is a little dog who gives a lot of love to her owner, a woman living in a shelter in the San Diego, CA area. One day Greta’s back legs gave out and she couldn’t walk. Feeding Pets of the Homeless received a call to see if we could help this old gal get back up to speed.
Mission Statement
Feeding Pets of the Homeless® believes in the healing power of companion pets and of the human/animal bond which is very important in the lives of many homeless. They find solace, protection and companionship through their pets. They care for their pets on limited resources so they themselves have less. Our task, nationwide, is to feed and provide basic emergency veterinary care to their pets and thus relieve the anguish and anxiety of the homeless who cannot provide for their pets.
To view IRS documents and Annual Reports

Feeding Pets of the Homeless® participating Pet Food Providers (food banks, pet food pantries) are located on our interactive map.
Enter your city and state or zip code to populate your correct location.
Locate a Pet Food Provider (teal blue dots). We suggest you contact the Pet Food Provider directly to confirm business hours for pet food distribution.
Locate pet-friendly shelters (purple dots). If there is not a pet-friendly shelter located near you, it doesn’t mean there isn’t one. We list pet-friendly shelters as we learn of them. Call other homeless shelters and inquire.
Locate Pet Resources (orange dots).
Click on State, National, and/or Help by Breed Resources.
Click to find a Wellness Clinic near you.
About Us
Our Programs

Pet Food Donation Sites
Feeding Pets of the Homeless® has hundreds of volunteer pet food donation site members who support our objective of collecting pet food and pet supplies. They are working with local food banks, pantries, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters that have agreed to distribute pet food to the homeless and disadvantaged in their communities.

Wellness Clinics
This nationwide program is free and serves pet owners who are homeless or qualify for low-income services. Clinics are held at a location that already serves the homeless population, often a food pantry. Feeding Pets of the Homeless® sponsors and partners with veterinarians across the county to provide these free clinics. The partnership is based on the veterinarian and technicians donating their time and expertise and Feeding Pets of the Homeless® underwriting the costs of medical supplies. The clinics typically offer vaccinations, basic exams, minor treatment and medications, vouchers for spay or neuter surgeries, nail trimmings, ear cleaning.

Many Homeless
Many homeless insist that “their animal companion is their best friend and oxygen without whom life wouldn’t be worth living.” What pets need most is human
companionship; they don’t need a house. They love, adore, and protect their owners.

Read Our Newsletter
Emergency Care Program
For the general population, the life of a homeless individual is unfathomable. Life is hard for a homeless individual with a pet and choices few, but watching their pet suffer is unbearable.
Need program info? Visit Get Help for details.
Veteran Pet Support
Feeding Pets of the Homeless provides emergency veterinary care, preventative wellness clinics, and pet food and supplies to the companion animals of homeless people across the country. The organization also provides assistance to veterans who are homeless as well as those veterans participating in the HUD-VASH program who are housed and in VA treatment programs.
HUD-VASH is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-VA Supportive Housing program that combines the HUD housing vouchers with the supportive services provided by the VA to help Veterans who are homeless, and their families find and sustain permanent housing. The program targets the chronically homeless veterans who are most vulnerable and often have severe mental or physical health problems and limited access to other social supports.

Pet Crates
The bond between the pet and its homeless owner is deep and soulful. Homeless individuals tell us that their pets offer them unconditional companionship. Their pets, just like your pet, offer them comfort, loyalty, and love in the form of licks and wagging tails. Research has reported that an animal’s response is independent of its owner’s age or economic circumstance. Owners say their pets “cover their backs” when they sleep in abandoned buildings, ditches, and in the woods. Breaking the homeless cycle requires the owner to move into a shelter. Most shelters do not allow pets unless they are service animals. Homeless pet owners will not abandon their pets and do not have the funds to board the pet. We offer crates to shelters that will allow a pet to stay with the owner. The agency orders the crates online and has them shipped directly to the shelter at no cost to the pet owner or shelter. The crates become the property of the shelter for future use.


pets helped

given in veterinary care, pet food & crates

pet food collected

donation sites nationwide
3 days ago
4 days ago