Success Story: Budda

Success Story: Budda

Hi, my name is Budda, and I’m a 12-year-old Tabby cat. Me and my human, who’s disabled, found ourselves without a home in Carson City, NV.

I’ve been dealing with this weird lump on my stomach, and my eye hasn’t been right either. It was worrying. Luckily, my human found out about this organization that helps folks like us get veterinary care.

So, off we went to see the vet. They ran a bunch of tests and said the lump wasn’t anything to worry about, but my eye… it was bad. Too much damage, they said, so it had to go.

Before I knew it, I was being prepped for surgery. I was nervous, but the vet and their team were amazing. And you know what? I didn’t feel a thing during the surgery. When I woke up, I felt loads better, even though getting used to having one eye will take some time.

I’m just so grateful to everyone who helped me through this. My human never left my side, and this organization, Feeding Pets of The Homeless, they chipped in to cover the costs. They contributed $1,464 towards my care, which was a huge relief for my human.

I may have lost an eye, but I gained a whole lot of love and support.


Budda’s story is a testament to the power of compassion and its impact on those in need. They may be just one cat, but to their owner, they are their world. Your support doesn’t just change lives – it saves them. Together, we can ensure that pets like Budda receive the care they deserve, no matter their obstacles. Donate today!

"From one animal lover to another."


The views expressed on this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Feeding Pets of the Homeless, and Feeding Pets of the Homeless hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.