We’ve updated our privacy policy effective January 1, 2020
We’re always working to ensure that you know – and have meaningful control over – what data we collect, how it’s used, and when it’s shared. As the regulations around data protection evolve, we have revised our Privacy Policy to give you the information you need to make informed decisions about that data you share with us.
Consumer Privacy Act (CPA) provides consumers with 4 Rights:
- The Right To Know
- Companies must inform consumers, usually through a privacy policy, what personal information is collected, where it was acquired (e.g., through cookies, by request, etc.), what the information is used for, whether it is being shared with third parties, and to whom it is shared with.
- The Right to Opt Out
- Companies that provide consumer personal information to third parties must enable consumers to “opt out” of having her/his information transferred.
- The Right to Control and Be Forgotten
- Consumers must be able to request the deletion of their personal information.
- The Right to Exercise Privacy Rights without Prejudice
- Companies may not discriminate against consumers who exercise their rights under the CPA. That is, a company may not deny customers services, provide different goods or services, or charge customers different prices depending on whether they opt-out or otherwise take advantage of their rights under the CPA.
Rights Notice
These electronically-transmitted pages belong to Feeding Pets of the Homeless®, a nonprofit corporation and are offered for your personal use. All rights are reserved. These pages may not be duplicated or reproduced without the express written consent of Feeding Pets of the Homeless®, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for the purposes of review. The information contained here is for the personal use of the reader and may not be incorporated into publications, databases, or software programs without the written consent of Feeding Pets of the Homeless®. Making copies of these pages or any portion for any purpose other than your personal use is a violation of United States copyright laws.
Feeding Pets of the Homeless® and its employees and contractors have used their best efforts in preparing these pages and their publications. Feeding Pets of the Homeless® and its employees and contractors make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to the information supplied. This site contains links to other sites. Feeding Pets of the Homeless® is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.
Limits of Liability
Feeding Pets of the Homeless® and its employees, volunteers and contractors shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the providing of the information offered here.
Privacy Policy
Feeding Pets of the Homeless® has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website: www.petsofthehomeless.org
Our site’s on line community registration requires users to give us contact information (like their name and email address). We use contact information to send the user information and news regarding the homeless and their pets, and other information about our company’s products and services. The Donation site’s contact information is also used to contact them when necessary. Users may opt out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below.
Data Collection Practices
As a national organization to help pets that belong to homeless people, we are working with a consultant to raise funds. Fund Raising Strategies through its affiliated company the ECG Data Center collects and maintains the following from donors who donate to Feeding Pets of the Homeless® (aka, Pets of the Homeless):
- Name
- Mailing Address
- Email Address
- Home Phone Number
- Cell Phone Number
- Gender
- Age
- Donation History
As part of our fundraising program with Fund Raising Strategies Inc., donor data is shared with fundraising vendors who do work on our behalf.
- They rent and exchange donors’ contact information with nonprofit and for-profit organizations.
- They share donors’ contact and give history with prospect modeling vendors.
- They share donors’ contact information and limited giving history to keep your data clean.
We also work with SafeSave, PayPal,FaceBook, GlobalGiving, Network for Good. Links go to privacy policies
Feeding Pets of the Homeless ®Website and Applications use “cookies” to ensure the integrity of the registration and transaction processes and to help you personalize your online or mobile experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your device’s hard drive or other storage medium by a Web page server. Most Web and mobile browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Feeding Pets of the Homeless® website.
To protect our visitors, cookies do not save payment or credit card information.
This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control.
Choice/Opt-Out or Change/Modify
This site gives users the following options for removing their information from our database to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service, or to change and modify information previously provided.
You can send email to info@petsofthehomeless.org
You can send mail to the following postal address:
Feeding Pets of the Homeless®
400 W. King St., Suite 200
Carson City, NV 89703
You can call the following telephone number: (775) 841-7463
Trademarks of Feeding Pets of the Homeless®. All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Anti-Spam Policy
We do not send emails to people that do not have a relationship with our organization. This relationship can start in the following ways:
The person:
- Opted into one of our email lists either at one of our sites or one of our partner sites
- Requested a free article
- Filled out an online survey
- Purchased a product
- Became a donor or volunteer or donation site, or pet food provider site
- Contacted the Web Site
- Donated
- Requested to become a Supporter
If you have questions about this policy, how we collect or process your personal data, or anything else related to our privacy practices, we want to hear from you. You can contact us at any time.
Renee Lowry, Executive Director
Feeding Pets of the Homeless®
400 W. King St., Suite 200
Carson City, NV 89703
(775) 841-7463 FAX (775) 847-7466
State Charity Registrations
To raise funds legally and ethically Feeding Pets of the Homeless® has registered as a “Charity” to solicit donations with every State having regulations.
- Alabama Attorney General, Registration: AL16-439
- Alaska, Department of Law, Confirmation as being registered
- Arizona not required
- Arkansas Attorney General: Letter of Good Standing
- California Department of Justice, Registration: CT0225431
- Colorado Secretary of State, Registration: 20153031021 / 20191408742 Business Registration
- Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, Registration: CHR.0059105
- Delaware not required
- District of Columbia Office of Tax & Revenue # 400218000153
- Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Registration: CH48814
- Georgia Secretary of State Securities & Charities Division, Registrant # CH012182
- Hawaii Attorney General: Letter of Good Standing
- Idaho not required
- Illinois Office of the Attorney General CO#01072870
- Indiana not required
- Iowa not required
- Kansas Secretary of State No. 503-573-8
- Kentucky Secretary of State # 11280
- Louisiana not required
- Maine Department of Professional & Financial Regulation #: CO11960
- Maryland Secretary of State: Certificate of Registration #31583
- Massachusetts Attorney General, Acct. #: 059824
- Michigan Attorney General, CS 56251
- Minnesota Attorney General: 263010540
- Mississippi Secretary of State Certificate of Registration, 100024868
- Missouri Attorney General, Registration: CO-241-16 Exempt from Registration
- Montana not required
- Nebraska not required
- Nevada Secretary of State, E047322008-2, prepared by FPOTH
- New Jersey Attorney General, Registration Number: CH4025800
- New Hampshire Department of Justice Charitable Trusts Division: Feeding Pets of the Homeless, 30115
- New Mexico Attorney General: Registration Number 20172121812152068
- New York Attorney General, Registration # 45-58-07 Type: 7A
- North Carolina Secretary of State, Registration: SL010216
- North Dakota Secretary of State ID: 41,555,100
- Ohio Attorney General, Registration: 26-3010540
- Oklahoma Secretary of State, ID: 4312566292
- Oregon Department of Justice, Registration: 49244
- Pennsylvania Department of State Bureau of Corporation & Charitable Organizations #105700
- Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation Securities Division Charitable Organization Section # CO.9901234
- South Carolina Secretary of State, Registration: P32363
- South Dakota not required
- Tennessee Secretary of State, Registration: CO26939
- Texas not required
- Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Consumer Protection, Registration: 9582614-CHAR
- Vermont not required
- Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services approved under the Solicitation of Contributions Law
- Washington Secretary of State, Registration: 1137677
- West Virginia Secretary of State, Charities Division Letter of Good Standing
- Wisconsin Division of Corporate and Consumer Services Bureau, 16596-800
- Wyoming not required